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2019-08-02 Print

Ripple Foundation Launches Two Books Written by Winners of Kids Write 4 Kids Writing Contest

Lucy Szerminski (Grade 7) and Elijah Wachowiak (Grade 7) become published authors on Amazon, Google, Apple iBookstore and Overdrive.Write a short description. Use maximum 3 lines.


Ripple Foundation is excited to launch the 2018-2019 winning titles of the Kids Write 4 Kids (KW4K) writing contest. Both from Barrie, ON and 13 years old, Lucy Szerminski and Elijah Wachowiak are officially published authors. Their books The Shores of Miami and The Third Floor, respectively, are available for purchase on Amazon, Google, Apple iBookstore and Overdrive.

Lucy’s first inspiration to write was sparked at seven years old when reading the Harry Potter series, which she went on to reread incessantly in different orders. Her book, The Shores of Miami, was a school assignment that her teacher suggested she enter into the KW4K contest. The story follows a young Yanara who risks everything to flee Cuba on a makeshift raft. Yanara’s journey shows just how powerful a human's will can be when faced with only two options—living or dying.

“It feels rewarding to see my name on the front cover of a book. I’m glad my teachers encouraged me to submit my story!” said Lucy Szerminki.

Elijah Wachowiak first began to tell stories a few years ago to his four-year-old cousin. He started with simple fairytale-esque tales, but he soon realized that he could use his talent for much more. In the summer of 2018, Elijah began writing The Third Floor, completing it in August. The story is about a famous author, presumed dead, who left behind an old house with a forbidden third floor that holds mysterious powers. When the author’s young nephew comes around, he stumbles upon the truth, unlocking the secrets of the curious level.

“Thanks to this opportunity from the Ripple Foundation, I am excited to publish The Third Floor and share my writing with the world!” said Elijah.

Their stories were selected by a judging panel that included three previous Kids Write 4 Kids winners and six renowned Canadian authors: Kit Pearson, an award-winning author and a member of the Order of Canada; Aviaq Johnston, a writer from Nunavut whose debut young adult novel Those Who Run in the Sky won the inaugural Indigenous Voices Award for English Prose; and Ann Choi, Alice Kuipers, Karen Rivers, and Robert Paul Weston.

Xinyu Ding illustrates these stunning book covers. She is a 2019 graduate student from the Ontario College of Art and Design University who donates her time to support Ripple Foundation’s program. A Toronto-based freelance illustrator, Xinuyu says her work is inspired by daily life and daydreaming.

Lucy Szerminski and Elijah Wachowiak will be joining previous winner Christopher Smolej, author of Escape from the Taco Shop at a book reading and signing event at The Word On The Street Festival in Toronto this September 22 at the Harbourfront Centre.

About Ripple Foundation
Ripple Foundation is a charitable organization that aims to empower the next generation of leaders by fostering creativity and cultivating a passion for reading and writing in youth across Canada. By advocating for creativity in children and their education through our specially developed literacy programs, we are teaching Canadian youth the benefits of creativity in their current and future lives, helping to shape the leaders of tomorrow. Visit to learn more about our programs.

About Kids Write 4 Kids (KW4K)
Kids Write 4 Kids is a Canada-wide annual writing contest for youth in grades 4-8. The net proceeds from book sales at Amazon, Google, Apple iBookstore and Overdrive are donated to the winner’s charity of choice. Since 2012, 15 young writers have become published authors, serving as an inspiration for their peers. Visit and sign up to be notified when the 2019-2020 Kids Write 4 Kids writing contest will commence.

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For additional information, images or to request a book for review, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Media Contact:
69 Yorkville Ave., Suite 218
Toronto, ON M5R 1B8
t. 416-928-0465

Contact Info
Ripple Foundation
69 Yorkville Avenue, Suite 218
Toronto, ON M5R 1B8

Phone: 416-928-0465
