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Wed, 01 May 2024 03:37:05 -0500
2018-01-17 Print

energydots is All Set to Present a Wide Range of EMF Protection Devices

In the midst of increasing usage of mobile devices and Wi-Fi, energots announced its broad selection of self-adhesive dots.


Devon, UK -- In the midst of increasing usage of mobile devices and Wi-Fi, energots announced its broad selection of self-adhesive dots. Their energyDOTs are exclusively powered by Programmed Harmonic Interface Technology that have been designed exclusively by Global EMF Solutions Ltd. Even though their EMF protection devices are merely 21mm magnetic discs, they are capable of harmonising the energy field around the users and reduce the adverse effects caused by prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields.

The company spokesperson said, “Our EMF protection products have been developed after years of research and contemplation. The dots that we offer are completely hands-free and can be simply stuck onto any devices or even worn by users since they come with a peel-and-stick functionality. It is very easy to use and even if the magnetics are washed or worn in water, they do not lose their energy signature.” He further added, “Our energyDOTs are specifically created to protect pregnant women, children and pets from harmful radiation exposure. We believe that the children are our future and it is our responsibility to ensure that they get to live in a radiation-free world. As for pets, they are very sensitive to radiation emissions and get affected even more than humans.”

On being asked how the energyDOTs function, a senior executive of the company said, “Each of our dot is programmed with bio-energetic information signatures that occur naturally as per its purpose. Since each dot comprises of powerful resonance, it acts similar to a tuning fork on electromagnetic fields in the particular environment that it is kept in. our energyDOTs retunes the man-made electromagnetic frequencies to a balanced harmonic with a help of a process, called the ‘principal of entertainment’. This retuned emissions are in turn recognised by the human body and the body does not behave defensively any longer.”

From offering protection against the excessive exposure of electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones, tablets, laptops and Wi-Fi to helping individuals harmonise their immediate environment, energydots is presenting a full line of energyDOTs. SmartDOT, bioDOT, sleepMAT, petDOT and aquaDOT are some of the dots that they are offering. Whilst smartDOT takes care of the radiation from mobile devices and bioDOT helps to clean the surrounding area, sleepMAt is specifically designed to help people sleep better. The petDOT is exclusively for the furry creatures who are more affected by EMFs than humans.

“We believe that everybody deserves a healthy and good life free of radiation. All of our energy are towards our objective of making our earth a better place to live in. we completely understand that modern life without the modern conveniences of phones, Wi-Fi, freezer, tablets and so on, is unimaginable. This is why, we decided to offer a device that helps to return the harmful radiation whilst allowing everyone to enjoy all the electrical devices available in the market”, said the CEO of energydots.

Technology is a wonderful discovery and the more advancements it is making, the better and easier life is becoming. But, as with everything, there is also a downside of technology, which is EMF. Prolonged and excessive exposure to EMF is known to cause fatigue, headaches, stress, anxiety and even diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, infertility and so on.

The CEO added, “Our sleek electromagnetic radiation protection devices can be used as personal EMF protection. It will help people to continue their normal life whilst being fully safe from DNA-altering radiation.”

The company has decided to offer these dots at competitive market rates. Customers who hurry up might also be able to get two dots for the price of one since they are offering combo offers to spread awareness amongst people.

About the company: energydots is the leading provider peel-and-stick dots powered by cutting-edge Programmed Harmonic Interface Technology. The company has dots for mobile devices, water, environment, sleep and even pets.

Contact energydots


Global EMF Solutions Ltd
Unit 8, Rodgers Industrial Estate
Yalberton, Paignton
Devon, England
Tel. 01803 665626


Contact Info
Lucy Blyth
Unit 8 Rodgers Industrial Estate

Phone: 01803 665626
