PR Urgent - Press Release News Wire

Sat, 04 May 2024 06:26:56 -0500
2018-02-05 Print

Vandal’s Landscaping Announces Their February Freeze

Vandal's Landscaping and Property Maintenance Inc. a Winnipeg based landscaping company owned by Todd and Brooke Vandal, have just announced that they are going to heat things up by freezing their prices during the month of February


Winnipeg, Canada -- Often people that live in Winnipeg equate January as the coldest month of the year. With an average daily temperature of -16 degrees Celsius, it is. However, February has an average daily temperature of -14 degrees Celsius. The coldest of these days typically happen either just before or during the annual Festival Du Voyageur around Valentine's day.

After already experiencing a bitterly cold January in 2018 and an extreme cold warning forecasted at the beginning of February, Vandal’s Landscaping and Property Maintenance Inc, a Winnipeg based landscaping company owned by Todd and Brooke Vandal, have just announced that they are going to heat things up by freezing their prices during the month of February.

“February is the time of year that we start getting people inquiring about landscaping, lawn care, and grass cutting,” stated the owner, Todd Vandal. “I think it has something to do with the bitter cold and the desire for winter to get over already, so we can get back to summer.”

Because of the bitter cold and the longing for hot summer days, Vandals Landscaping and Property Maintenance have decided to freeze the property maintenance at the 2017 prices for the month of February. What that means is if you book your 2018 Property Maintenance package or landscaping project during the month of February you will lock in the 2017 price for that service. If you have a landscaping project you have been putting off, Vandal’s Landscaping is also offering 10% off any landscaping project booked during the month of February.

Like so many other things in life, the costs of landscaping and property maintenance have gone up. The volatility of gas prices, wage increases for our staff, landscaping supplies along with equipment purchase, repair and maintenance has gone up.

To quote Mr. Vandal further, “Normally this cost increases to our business gets passed along to our customers when we increase our fees every year. This year I wanted to give our customers a chance to avoid these increases during the month of February. It is a win-win for everyone as it allows us to predict our revenue and cash flow for 2018 while giving our clients a chance to enjoy 2017 pricing.”

Brooke Vandal was quick to point out that the 2018 pricing will come into effect on March 1. After that, the price freeze will be over, much like February’s deep freeze.

For more information about the property maintenance services that are offered by Vandal’s Landscaping and Property Maintenance Inc, visit their website at or call them directly at (204) 299-8887.

Contact Info
Todd Vandal
Vandal’s Landscaping
PO Box 55076 Dakota Crossing
Winnipeg MB R2N 0A8

Phone: (204) 299-8887
