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Sat, 27 Jul 2024 00:21:45 -0500
2018-05-24 Print

New book Life Cycles - Relationships, by psychologist Neil Killion

New book Life Cycles - Relationships, by psychologist Neil Killion, shows how success in both romance and careers is tied to a 12 year cycle. Incredible results show a near 100% match in many examples; everyone from Antony & Cleopatra to William & Catherine (Duke & Duchess of Cambridge), from Marilyn Monroe to Barak Obama.


(Sydney, Australia) - (Date) Neil Killion, psychologist, former management consultant and company director, tells in his new book released today, how a stunningly simple formula of overlapping 12 year cycles can spell success in both romance, families, friendship and career. The third book in his critically acclaimed Life Cycles series will explore what happens when you start to combine people’s individual 12 year cycles. The concept, known as “Confluence” will often correlate with periods of achievement and breakthrough, for couples, teams and small groups. Only thoroughly checked, publicly available data is used and every example involves famous celebrities or historical figures. However, the findings apply to everyone, so readers can use it for their own existing and would-be relationships. Life Cycles is the only theory of life to be based on exact timing of events, so it can be used to get an understanding of the future. The book was released by his own company Life Cycles Publications and is available for sale through Amazon at (also Amazon UK/Germany/France/Italy/Spain).

The contents of the book include a detailed examination of famous public love stories, such as Cleopatra and Marc Antony, Henry VIII and the only wife he was “Confluent” with, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Charlie Chaplin and Oona O’Neill, Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn, JFK and Jackie, Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio, Juan and Eva Peron, Liz Taylor and Richard Burton, William and Catherine (the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge), George Clooney and Amal and the Pitt-Aniston-Jolie triangle, along with the crazy love lives of Tom Cruise and John Cleese. These last two cases will show how people, in essence, can keep marrying the same person.

The world of careers and families section will highlight the Wright Brothers, the Google founders, Abraham Lincoln, Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins, Watson and Crick, the Seinfeld cast, the Tiffany family, Floyd Mayweather Snr. and Jnr, J K Rowling, the Star Trek story, Hannibal and Scipio Africanus, Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington and Debbie Reynolds, Carrie Fisher and Billie Lourd, along with many, many others scattered throughout.

Killion discovered his theory by accident, when doing a validation study on the work of another well-known adult developmental psychologist. Over the course of many years he has turned this into an integrated theory of life in 12 year cycles, with over 50 unique terms and icons, never seen before. In one chapter he shows how he has tested his data against an objective list of the top 10 most outstanding people of the 20th century, a longer list of 40 Obituaries and 25 consecutive celebrity deaths from 2015-2016, with incredible results of close to 100% of matches. He is the only theorist of life to have ever provided real proof to back up his claims. He has never received any negative reviews, despite offering an open challenge to rationalists and skeptics.

His Goodreads/Amazon review average is 4.5/5.0 and he has received numerous finalist awards and the Silver Medal for Philosophy/Religion with the Readers’ Favorite contest. His review comments include, “Utterly fascinating. Highly recommended.” (Midwest Book Review) and “This book is extraordinary. Reading it has the power to change someone’s life completely.” (Readers’ Favorite).

The book is currently on sale as a paperback through Amazon, but will be progressively released as an ebook and through a wide range of online booksellers. For more information contact Neil Killion at 612-93869672.

About Author

Neil Killion is a psychologist, who has spent the majority of his career in a commercial setting as a management consultant. For around 20 years he founded and ran his own outplacement company in Sydney, Australia. This was one of the first such specialist consultancies and it grew to include representative offices around the country. His clients consisted of many leading multinational companies and government organizations. Since 2005, he has devoted his time to researching, writing and developing his unique “Life Cycles Theory”. He has written three books as well as several hundred blog and other articles on individual case studies. He has been interviewed on a number of related radio programs such as The Cycles of Change and Connecting With Coincidence with Dr. Bernie Beitman.

Contact Info
Life Cycles Publications
5/20 Chester Street,
NSW, 2025

Phone: 612-93869672
